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Investing in Community Values & Why it's Important

Creating multi-generational prosperity is possible through initiatives that align with the Nation's values.

Economic development is a growth engine that can support the health and security of the Nation's people, food, land, water, and more. But it must be done in accordance with GFN traditional and cultural values, identified by the following individuals and groups as necessary to uphold:

  • The GFN people

  • Hereditary leaders

  • Chief and Council

  • GDC Board of Directors

A community survey revealed what is most important to members and leadership, and several key themes emerged in the form of values.

GFN Values

Promoting and protecting GFN culture and language

The Nation's traditions are sacred and must be honoured at every opportunity. Preserving the Gitga'at language and traditional cultural practices requires effort over time. To make this happen, the community must come together to help elders transfer traditional knowledge and skills to other generations.

In some instances, economic development projects can be based on traditional cultural practices such as fishing. However, it has to be done in the right ways. An example of this is Coastal Nations Fisheries (CNF). This eight-nation alliance intends to build capacity, train members and provide employment opportunities while generating economic growth through sustainable fishing practices.

Providing education and training opportunities for GFN members

Every project that GDC pursues will have an educational component. In other words, members can acquire knowledge, learn new skills, and develop a trade.

For example, GDC joint venture partner LNG Canada practices environmental stewardship while providing members with well-paying jobs, education, and training opportunities.

Preserving the environment and traditional territory

Protecting the environment has been identified as a core value by the Gitga'at people. Any business opportunities involving resource harvesting must be done in ways that are deemed sustainable.

GDC aims to support GFN by conducting business activities that align with community values; however, the Gitga'at First Nation is responsible for bringing the values to life.

The Right Partners


Actively seeking like-minded partners, GDC builds sustainable business ventures. Creating training and employment opportunities for Gitga'at people is a major priority when GDC selects joint venture partners.

The companies that GDC collaborates with will understand GFN values and prioritize upholding them. This provides a strong foundation for collaboration from a cultural and relationship standpoint.

GDC and its partners can help pave the way for multi-generational prosperity for the Gitga'at Nation.

Learn more about GDC’s values here:

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