The Gitga'at Development Corporation (GDC) has a clear vision for sustainable economic development that accounts for traditional cultural, and environmental values. The main goal behind all economic growth initiatives is to safeguard and manage the territory's resources responsibly to benefit both present and future generations.
With abundant natural resources, the Gitga'at First Nation welcomes conversations regarding partnerships and investment across various sectors.
Here are a few economic development projects currently happening in Hartley Bay.
Clean Energy
GFN is developing the Gabion River Hydroelectric Project for several reasons.
First, it will reduce the reliance on diesel for generating power, thus reducing emissions and the dependence on fossil fuels with price swings that must be imported from foreign countries. Second, the project will create employment opportunities for members during the construction, operation, and decommissioning phases (many decades in the future).
Researching, developing, building, and operating the Hydroelectric Project will also help GFN develop expertise in First Nations-led clean energy projects. The knowledge, skills, and resources gained become valuable assets. Down the road, GFN could do business as a consultant for other Nations or remote communities seeking to climate-proof themselves.
The Gabion River clean energy project is one example of how GFN uses economic development to ensure the Nation's comfort, safety, and self-determination.
Some members require daycare to pursue paid employment or run a business. From this perspective, the daycare can be linked to economic development. GFN is pleased to report that the new daycare is complete. Children in Hartley Bay now have a beautiful place to play with a modern building.
Village Road
A few boardwalk sections in Hartley Bay need to be replaced, and the proposed fix is to build areas of new road topped with concrete. Upgrading the boardwalk using a road surface in some sections can reduce wear and tear on the boardwalk. Additionally, it will facilitate the movement of equipment and supplies, thereby enabling economic development initiatives such as tourism and clean energy that use this type of community infrastructure.
Barge Ramp
An engineering firm is designing an extension of the existing barge ramp. The goal is to allow barges to tie up and load and unload in all tides, not just high tide. Although construction of the upgraded barge will require funding approval, the impacts on the community are many. The barge ramp will enable more effortless movement of people and supplies, both critical components of economic development initiatives.
Economic Growth Through Development
The projects in Hartley Bay are a few examples of successful economic development in action.
The Gitga'at Hydro project, plus a variety of community-level infrastructure projects, are setting up Hartley Bay for success in economic development. By providing vital community services such as daycare and creating roads, ramps, and other transportation infrastructure, GFN is opening up its territory for investment and joint venture partnerships.